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Unlock the Power of your Xiaomi MiWiFi Router – Comprehensive Guide for Logins and Configurations 📶⚡

MiWiFi Login -

Unleash the beast that is your Xiaomi MiWiFi router with this step by step guide! Learn how to log in, change your Wi-Fi password, and even factory reset your router. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned techie, this guide will turn you into a Xiaomi MiWiFi master in no time. So grab a hold of your router, take a seat, and let’s jump right into it! 💪💻🌐


Access Your Login Interface

Unwrapping your brand new Xiaomi MiWiFi router or just looking to fine-tune some settings? Either way, you’ll need to know how to access the web interface. Make sure your laptop is connected to your router either with an Ethernet cable (just plug it right in!) or by accessing the router’s Wi-Fi network. Now fire up your favorite browser like Chrome or Firefox. In the URL bar punch in the default gateway address or You’ll then land on the MiWiFi login page where you’ll enter your login username and password. No worries, if you haven’t changed it before, here are the defaults:

Username: (leave this blank)
Password: admin

Once you’ve clicked ‘Login’, you’ll be in! Now you can manage your router and Wi-Fi settings from here!


Change Your Wi-Fi Password and SSID

Now that you’re logged in, you’re ready to customize your Wi-Fi credentials. To change your Wi-Fi password or rename your Wi-Fi network (SSID):

1. Within the interface, let’s go to the ‘Settings’ section, then navigate to ‘Wi-Fi Settings’. This is where the magic happens!
2. In the ‘Name’ field, you can set your new network name. This is what others will see when browsing for Wi-Fi networks.
3. For Encryption, select Mixed (WPA/WPA2-personal).
4. Type your new Wi-Fi password in the password fields. Make sure to pick something strong but memorable!
5. Finally, click ‘Save’ and voila! Your Wi-Fi has now a new identity!


Factory Reset Your Xiaomi MiWiFi Router

Uh-oh! Forgot your password or can’t access the web interface? No need to worry, it happens to the best of us. Sounds like it’s time for a factory reset! Here is how you can make your Xiaomi MiWiFi Router forget all its past experiences (like in those Sci-Fi movies) and start fresh:

1. Locating the ‘Reset Button’ is step one. You’ll usually find it at the back of the router. Our friend here is a needle or paperclip, bring one with you. ✏️
2. Step two is pushing the ‘Reset Button’ using that pointed object you’ve fetched for about 10-15 seconds. After you release it, you’ll notice the router’s LED lights blink and the unit reboot. It’s alive! … And it’s also factory restted.
3. Once that’s done, you’re free to log back in using the default password: ‘admin’. Your MiWiFi router is now reset and ready to rock and roll! ️


That’s all folks! You’ve just navigated through the ins and outs of your Xiaomi MiWiFi Router, learned how to login, change your Wi-Fi password, and even reset your router if needed. With this new-found knowledge, you’re now able to unlock the full potential of your router and Wi-Fi network. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, or in this case, speedy and secure internet! 🚀🔓🌐 is the web interface for Xiaomi MiWiFi Routers, where users can manage the settings and configurations of their router and WiFi network.

To log into the MiWiFi web interface, connect your PC to your Xiaomi MiWiFi Router via either Ethernet cable or WiFi. Open a web browser and type the default gateway address: or On the login page, enter the default username (leave the field blank) and the password admin.

The default username and password for MiWiFi routers are an empty/blank username field and ‘admin’ as the password.

If you forget your MiWiFi Router login password, you can perform a factory reset on the router. This will remove all your custom settings and revert everything back to the factory defaults, including the password.

Login to the MiWiFi interface, select “Settings” from the top bar and then “Wi-Fi Settings“. In the name field, provide your new WiFi network name. Set encryption to Mixed (WPA/WPA2-personal) and type your new WiFi password in the password field. Save the changes.

To factory reset your MiWiFi Router, locate the reset button at the back of the router. Using a pointed object, press and hold the Reset button for 10-15 seconds until the LED lights blink. The router will reboot and all settings will revert back to factory defaults.

Factory resetting your MiWiFi Router can help if you’ve forgotten the login password or made a mistake in the router’s settings. By resetting the router, all settings, including the WiFi and login passwords, will be reverted back to factory defaults.

You can use any web browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox, to access the MiWiFi web interface. Simply type the default gateway address for MiWiFi routers into the URL bar.

Yes, your PC needs to be connected to the Xiaomi MiWiFi Router, either through an Ethernet cable or via the router’s WiFi network, in order to access the web-based interface.

Mixed (WPA/WPA2-personal) is a WiFi security mode. It means that the network supports both WPA (WiFi Protected Access) and WPA2 protocols. These are encryption methods designed to secure your WiFi network.

If you press the reset button on your Xiaomi MiWiFi Router for less than 10 seconds, the router will simply reboot without resetting to factory defaults. To perform a full factory reset, the button should be pressed and held for 10-15 seconds.

The reset button on the Xiaomi MiWiFi Router is typically located at the back of the device. It is usually recessed, to prevent accidental presses, and may require a small object like a paperclip to press.

Yes, Xiaomi provides a mobile app called ‘Mi Wi-Fi’ that allows you to control your router settings from your smartphone. You can download it from either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Through the MiWiFi web interface, you can manage your router’s WiFi network name (SSID), WiFi password, security encryption, and other advanced options like port forwarding, DNS settings, and more.

If the default gateway address does not work, check that your PC is properly connected to the MiWiFi router and that the router is turned on. If the issue persists, try resetting your router or contacting Xiaomi’s customer support.

No, MiWiFi is a proprietary interface designed specifically for managing settings and configurations on Xiaomi MiWiFi Routers. For non-Xiaomi routers, you will need to refer to your own router’s instructions.

Yes, performing a factory reset on your Xiaomi MiWiFi router will delete all custom settings, including history and logs. Once reset, the device will be in its original factory settings.

After a factory reset, your MiWiFi router will reboot. This process can take a few minutes. If your router is still not responding after a reasonable amount of time, it might be experiencing technical issues and should be checked by a professional.

The login username for Xiaomi MiWiFi routers is often hardcoded and can’t be changed. You can, however, change the router’s password via the MiWiFi web interface.

Yes, changing the WiFi network name (SSID) or password will disconnect all currently connected devices. They will need to be reconnected using the new network name or password.