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How to Recover an Unsaved or Deleted Word Document

How to Recover an Unsaved or Deleted Word Document

If you’ve ever faced that heart-stopping moment when you realize a critical Microsoft Word document has vanished from your files, you’re not alone. It happens to the best of us – an accidental click, a power surge, or just a forgetful moment, can send a document into the digital abyss. Breathe easy, though, because recovery is possible. As someone who has navigated this exact scenario, let me guide you through the steps I took to reclaim my work. It’s vital to act promptly and knowledgeably to maximize your chances of Word document recovery. Let’s explore various methods to retrieve those precious files, and remember, even a permanently deleted Word document isn’t beyond reach.


Common Scenarios:

Accidental Deletion 🗑

  • Perhaps the most common cause of lost documents is accidental deletion. You may have intended to delete one file but inadvertently selected another.
  • You could also have hit the ‘Delete’ key while a Word document was highlighted without realizing.

Software Crash 💥

  • A sudden software crash or system freeze can result in lost documents, especially if you haven’t saved your work recently.
  • Power outages or unexpected shutdowns are also culprits that can lead to unsaved changes being lost.

Virus Infection 🦠

  • Viruses or malware can corrupt files or remove them completely. If your antivirus software detects a threat, it might quarantine or delete infected files, which could include your valuable Word documents.

Step-by-Step Guide. How To Recover Deleted Word Documents:

Method 1: Use Recycle Bin 🗑

  • First, check the Recycle Bin. If the file you deleted was not removed permanently, it should still be here.
  • Right-click on your lost Word document in the Recycle Bin and select ‘Restore’ to recover it to its original location.
  • If you’ve emptied the Recycle Bin already, you’ll need to use data recovery software or one of the following methods to get your document back.

Note: Files removed from the Recycle Bin can be harder to retrieve, but not impossible.

Conclusion: The Recycle Bin is the first place you should check for any accidentally deleted files, as recovery from here is simple and quick.

Method 2: Previous Versions Feature 💾

  • Right-click on the folder where your document was last saved and select ‘Properties’.
  • Go to the ‘Previous Versions’ tab to find a list of available file versions backed up by System Restore.
  • Select the version from before the document was deleted, and click ‘Restore’ to recover the Word document.

Note: This method only works if System Restore was active and creating restore points at the time the document was lost.

Conclusion: ‘Previous Versions’ is a valuable Windows feature that can help you retrieve your documents if they were inadvertently deleted.

Method 3: Word’s AutoRecover Feature 💼

  • Open Microsoft Word and check if there’s a prompt to recover unsaved documents. If so, Word’s AutoRecover function may have saved a version of your document.
  • If no prompt appears, navigate to ‘File’ > ‘Options’ > ‘Save’ and note the AutoRecover file location.
  • Go to the folder location in Windows Explorer and look for files with an ‘.asd’ extension.
  • Open these files in Word to check if any are the lost document.

Note: AutoRecover does not replace regularly saving your document and may not have the most recent changes.

Conclusion: AutoRecover can be a lifesaver in instances where Word crashes before you can save your work.

Method 4: File History Backup 🕒

  • Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Update & Security’ > ‘Backup’ and see if you have File History set up.
  • If it’s active, use the ‘Restore files from a current backup’ option to recover your Word document.
  • Browse the backups to find your document, and then select ‘Restore’ to bring it back.

Note: File History must be enabled before the deletion occurred for this to work.

Conclusion: Having File History enabled provides a robust way to roll back and recover files that have been lost.

Method 5: Data Recovery Software 🛠

  • Download and install a reputable data recovery software like Recuva or EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.
  • Run the software and select the type of file you are trying to recover (in this case, Word documents).
  • Perform a scan of your system – be prepared, it may take some time depending on your hard drive’s size.
  • Once the scan is complete, search through the results for your missing document, select it, and choose ‘Recover’.

Note: Some files may be only partially recoverable depending on the software’s efficacy and how long ago the file was deleted.

Conclusion: Data recovery tools can be extremely effective, especially when other methods fail to retrieve your Word documents.

Method 6: Cloud Storage Services ☁

  • If you save your documents to a cloud storage service like OneDrive or Google Drive, check the service’s trash or recycle bin for your lost Word document.
  • Also, investigate the service’s version history feature, which holds different versions of your document as you make changes.
  • Choose an earlier version of the document before it was deleted.

    Note: Remember, items in cloud-based recycle bins are often automatically deleted after a certain period.

    Conclusion: Cloud storage services offer another layer of security when it comes to recovering lost documents and should be a part of your backup strategy.


Youtube video to watch


Precautions and Tips:

Safeguard Your Documents 🔒

  • Regularly backup your documents on external hard drives or cloud services like Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Enable System Restore on Windows to create restore points that can be used to roll back your system and recover files.
  • Use version control systems or software if you’re working on collaboratively edited documents.
  • Keep your antivirus software up to date to protect against malware that might delete or corrupt your files.

Additional Recovery Insights

After experiencing the loss of a critical Word document, it became clear to me that data loss is an inevitable part of the digital workspace. However, with the right knowledge and tools, recovery is more than just a possibility—it’s probable. Beyond the methods outlined, there are professionals who specialize in data recovery services. These experts have access to advanced software and techniques that might not be available to the average user. For severe cases, such as hardware failure or complex data corruption, their services could be the difference between recovery and permanent loss.

A crucial component of document management is indeed the practice of regular backups. There’s a saying that goes, ‘One is none; two is one,’ suggesting that without a backup, your single copy of data is as good as lost. Implementing a 3-2-1 backup strategy—having three total copies of your data, two of which are local but on different mediums, and one offsite—can safeguard against most forms of data loss.

Moreover, fostering good habits around document-saving practices is essential. Save early and often, use autosave features, and consider manual versioning—a practice where you periodically save copies of your document with incremental version numbers or dates in their filenames for added security.

Lastly, in the event of accidental deletion or loss, time is of the essence. The sooner you attempt to recover a lost document, the better your chances are because as new data is saved to a drive, it can overwrite the space where the lost file resides, making recovery more challenging.

For more detailed information on data recovery and file protection, visit reputable sources like TechRadar or check out Microsoft’s Word support page for Word-specific advice and tools.


In conclusion, while losing a Word document can be an intensely frustrating experience, there is a bevy of methods and steps you can take to recover. From checking the Recycle Bin to leveraging built-in Windows features like Previous Versions, or resorting to advanced data recovery software, the possibilities are extensive. By adding cloud backup routines and implementing a robust, multi-tiered approach to saving and recovering your documents, you can reduce your vulnerability to data loss significantly. Arm yourself with these recovery strategies and say goodbye to the panic that comes with deleted Word documents.


Yes, you might be able to recover an unsaved Word document through Microsoft Word's built-in Recover Unsaved Documents feature, commonly found under the 'File' tab, then 'Info' -> 'Manage Documents'.

AutoRecover files are typically stored in the AppData folder. Go to 'Word Options' -> 'Save' to find the exact AutoRecover File Location path where Word saves these documents.

Yes, if you've accidentally deleted your Word document, check the Recycle Bin. If it's there, right-click the file and select 'Restore' to recover the document.

If you have File History set up, navigate to the document's folder, right-click on it, select 'Restore previous versions', and choose the version you wish to restore.

Third-party recovery tools like Recuva ( can scan your hard drive for recoverable files, including Word documents.

To fix a corrupt Word document, try opening it with the 'Open and Repair' feature in Word. In 'File' menu, click 'Open', then 'Browse', select the document, click the arrow next to 'Open', and choose 'Open and Repair'.

Long-term recovery might be possible via a professional data recovery service, but success is not guaranteed, and it can be costly. Act quickly for better chances of recovery.

For documents saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, you can use the 'Version History' to revert to a previous document version. Access it by right-clicking the document and selecting 'Version History'.

On a Mac, you can find and recover files using the Time Machine backup feature, if enabled. Alternatively, check the 'AutoRecovery' folder located in 'Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/'.

To prevent future data loss, regularly save work, enable AutoSave (if you're using OneDrive or SharePoint), utilize AutoRecover, and maintain regular backups of your documents.